Good app for ebooks lovers, an alternative of Youboox and Oyster.
Good app for ebooks lovers, an alternative of Youboox and Oyster.
Using it for over a year. Not one complaint. Perfect app for reading!
Being able to scroll down instead of turning the pages was the reason why I liked this app. With all the social features it used to be a five star app for me, but they removed this option after the update.
I was able to find literally any book I wanted. Simple, intuitive interface. Wry well made. 2 weaknesses Id still mention: - no iPad support. Surely, would it take so long to port to iPad from iPhone? - translated books miss words, punctuation, and often not really well made. I dont know whether all books were scanned and then recognized or something, but they should so a better job qa-ing the content.
And keep all my books here, except PDF
The iPhone/iPad application is awesome! Love it!!!
Great app, thank you!
its simply not working :)
My favorite app for the last 3 years
Very good
Very nice reading app! At first I was a little bit sceptical, but just purchased subscription and now reading 3-4 books a month for like 10 bucks. Thats awesome! Also love cross device thing when I can read at public transit on iPhone and then continue on iPad at home from the same place. 5 stars, not a star less. I would give it 6 stars if I could.
This app is incredibly useful and simply to use. The intuitive interface helps to have a pleasure while youre reading a book.
Pretty good selection of popular titles and authors. would be good to have more books in English. There needs to be a traditional style menu to browse books, organized by subject, then sub themes. Reading lists and a search only is awkward. Everything else is fine.
I have found my dream application! Awesome
I realy like it. You can find every book that you want.
Amazing application. Simple, easy to use, well done guys!
Best app for reading, use it during 6 months and think its the best online library of Russian books ever.
The only star missing is because I cant open the pdf from other app to save and read it in bookmate. The syncronization feature is perfect. Would be perfect if there was an application to install in my pc as well.
I am really enjoying this app. Recommend it to everyone!